Assistant conductor

Daichi Deguchi

Born in Osaka (Japan), Daichi Deguchi studied conducting with Junnichi Hirokami (at the Tokyo College of Music), Tatsuya Shimono (winner of the Besançon Competition), Christian Ehwald and Hans-Dieter Baum (at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin). He has taken masterclasses with Donald Runnicles, Johannes Schlaefli, Urlich Windfuhr, Paavo, Neeme and Kristian Järvi and Leonid Grin. First Prize winner of the Khachaturian Competition 2021 and Second Prize winner of the Serge Koussevitzky Competition, he regularly conducts in Japan, Italy, Armenia, Czech Republic... He was musical director of the Ferris Youth Orchestra (Japan, 2016), worked as assistant conductor of the Japan Operetta Society and assisted Vladimir Jurowski in Berlin (2021).


Appointments with Daichi Deguchi in 24-25

September 9-12, 2024: Opening concerts (Gergely Madaras, conductor)

November 12-16, 2024: Symphonie fantastique (Gergely Madaras, conductor)

February 11-16, 2025: Pictures at an Exhibition (Lionel Bringuier, conductor)

March 6-8, 2025: Hary Janos (Gergely Madaras, conductor)

April 8-12, 2025: Dante Symphony (Gergely Madaras, conductor)

April 24-26, 2025: Symphony with organ (Gergely Madaras, conductor)

May 26-31, 2025: Musicals (Gergely Madaras, conductor)