- March 2025
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
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Created in 1960, the Liège Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (OPRL) is the only professional symphony orchestra in french-speaking Belgium. Funded by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the city of Liège, and the province of Liège, the OPRL performs in Liège, in the prestigious setting of the Salle Philharmonique (1887), all over Belgium, at the biggest venues and festivals in Europe, and in Japan, the United States, and South America. Under the guidance of music directors as Manuel Rosenthal, Pierre Bartholomée, Louis Langrée, Pascal Rophé, Christian Arming and Gergely Madaras (2019-2025), the OPRL has forged a musical identity for itself that is at the intersection of the Germanic and French traditions. He has made over 130 recordings (EMI, DGG, BIS, Palazzetto Bru Zane, BMG-RCA, Alpha, Fuga Libera). Music Director designate : Lionel Bringuier (2025).
Check out our monthly playlists on SPOTIFY and YOUTUBE to prepare for your concerts at OPRL!