Educational activities

An invitation to travel and discover music for young people, from nursery to secondary school

What is it? 

Sharing music, creating and playing together, experiencing concerts in an amazing and different way.

Who is it for? 

For children, students, adults, schools, teachers, groups, disadvantaged audiences and those further afield...

How it is done? 

By listening to and meeting the artists at concerts, taking part in workshops, guided tours and other group activities.


At the Salle Philharmonique or in schools, cultural centres, hospitals, etc. 

The OPRL's Educational Team creates projects for nursery, primary and secondary schools, developing unique programmes. These activities take place at the Salle Philharmonique de Liège, as well as in schools and concert halls throughout the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. All of these programmes contribute to the democratisation of access to culture and the implementation of a right to culture. The OPRL's aim is to welcome an ever-wider audience, with one essential message: music is a universal language, conveying emotions and helping everyone to flourish, and it can be accessed through multiple gateways.

A partnership: El Sistema Liège 

Bringing music into children's lives

Across the year, 300 children aged 8 to 12 from schools in Liège and the surrounding area, from all backgrounds, rehearse every week for a concert where they play and sing on the stage of the Salle Philharmonique with musicians from the OPRL. An ongoing collective apprenticeship, where music becomes a means of sharing without any barriers. 

The young instrumentalists and choristers are supervised by a team of musicians from ReMuA, receiving free musical tuition and discovering the joy of "making music together". The project has been supported by the City of Liège since its inception in 2015. It is inspired by the "El Sistema" music education programme developed in Venezuela, which promotes the art of music as a means of devloping social skills, enabling children - often from backgrounds  far removed from access to culture - to aim for excellence and build a spirit of solidarity through the discipline of the orchestra. 

In partnership with ASBL ReMuA (Network of Workshop Musicians)

A team of musicians : PédaHOP

Sharing "at home" with the musicians

An initiative of the OPRL's Education Department, a group of musicians from the Orchestra, brought together under the non-profit organisation HOP*, has created PédaHOP. It offers moments of connection between the Orchestra and audiences who live far from, or who do not have the opportunity to hear the orchestra at, the Salle Philharmonique de Liège. 

Small chamber music groups, set up on a voluntary basis within the Orchestra, visit schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. and offer a fun and interactive discovery of music and instruments, with repertoire adapted to the audience, often specially designed for this project. 

Teachers and nursing staff have told us how grateful these people are to be able to have these experiences, to get up close to this world, to see and hear the instruments and sometimes even touch them... It's an enriching experience for the musicians too, and an initiative that strengthens the OPRL's connection with all kinds of audiences (50 sessions in 23-24!). 


- Happy Original Production": this non-profit organisation is an autonomous structure that enables OPRL instrumentalists to put on Happy Hour! concerts and musical projects in small ensembles, among other things.

Educational activities also include... 

A wide range of activities for schools and cultural institutions 

Teachers, youth workers and educators can bring groups to discover the Orchestra. Four options are available: Tailor-made guided tours, public rehearsals alongside the musicians, educational workshops and concerts during school hours, and chamber music concerts in schools with PédaHOP.

 A "Charter for Cultural Cooperation" 

This initiative, in collaboration with the City of Liège, promotes activities for young people and disadvantaged groups. One example is the "Club Liège 1", made up of young people aged 12 to 18 from the Athénée Royal Charles Rogier, who have forged a special relationship with the OPRL through a series of encounters at the Salle Philharmonique and dedicated activities. 

Fanny Gouville Head of Cultural and Educational Activities